Monday, April 11, 2016

Gibson Dirty Fingers PickUp Lead on 80's Flying Vee I'm A Spider

Spiders are natures perfect sociopaths. And.....
Because  some have a mentality no different than that of a spider........
Many thanks to Laura Dermid Carroll for the use of her incredible New Orleans spider shot

I'll bite off your head
I'll suck you dry
I'll web you up
And leave you to die
Cause I'm a spider
And that's what spiders do.

I'll snatch you mid flight
I'll bite off your head
I'll spit out your feathers
And leave you for dead
Cause I'm a kitty
And that's what kitties do

I'll lie to your face
I'll bleed you dry
I'll blow you off
And leave you to die
Cause I'm a human
And that's what human's do