Thursday, April 4, 2019

Creative People = Back Biting Egos

I have been releasing music since 2006. Since I am an indie musician I have to do all my own promotion. It's was a nasty surprise how on some of the music sites I quickly gained stalkers leaving ugly comments and telling me how awful I am.
So now for the first time, though I wrote and sold to magazines years ago, I decided to self publish my own Horror Fairy Tale book.
And here come the haters again. It didn't take long for some to pile on telling me how bad my book cover is and blah blah blah.
What a shame. Personally, I am always happy to build others up and help cross-promote their work. But how do you do that in this kind of climate?
And no, there are some decent musicians and authors out there I have met.
But the noise made by the haters always seems to shout over the good.

A little update. 4/6/2019:
Yet another person showed up on the contest to insult my work today. They don't have to like it, but why do that?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And no matter how bad I thought someone else's entry was in a contest I would never leave mean spirited comments about their work.
So many covers I see by Indie authors have the same old same old artwork. Serial killer books with someone holding a big bloody butcher knife on the front or Romance novels with a guy in an open shirt with a six-pack. But don't dare to do something different or color outside the lines or you will be subject to ridicule.
I surely did not expect to be attacked like this
Here is the link:!gallery/12/image/632/BookArt300%20(1)

Would love to hear your hater stories.

And if you like dark humor with your horror, come check out my book also if you have a chance.

If you enjoy dark humor with your incest, torture, cannibalism, dismemberment, and other medieval pastimes you've come to the right place.  These are extremely gruesome adult retellings of classic fairy tales more than just fractured. These are mind-blowing unleashed stories. Deeply dark and twisted sexual encounters and the women in these fairy tales are not the tenderhearted push overs as in modern-day fairy tales.  Bluebeard has an intense appetite for much more than simply murdering his brides. Rapunzel is the spawn of an opium-addicted mother. Meet Sleeping Beauty's twin henchman sons. A product of incest when her own half brother comes upon her helplessly passed out in a coma and takes advantage. 
 So come down to the dungeon, settle onto your Judas cradles and break out your heretic forks. A delectable feast for true horror fairy tale fans. This book will haunt your dreams if not give you vivid nightmares as it did its own author. Each story and many characters are tied together all into one kingdom with a viciously abusive king and many murderous, lascivious and just plain monstrously evil people.  This book includes Bluebeard, Rumpelstiltskin, Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel and more. A wicked read

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